Isn't life great? This was the receipt for our combined meals at La Cazuela.
La Cazuela was the place that had hand-drawn Jesus crying blood into a cup. It's important to keep track of these things.
Mary got mad last night because I saw a picture of a dog in a Civil War uniform in a shop window and I wanted her to look at it. She had to pee. I went before I left. You know how that goes.
Mary told me about the Military Dog today. But not the part about pee. And also she said some drunk guys yelled at you. Is there proof of that?
No proof, but they thought it was "hot" Mary got to tell me what to do. Ah, Chicago. Too bad Rosellen didn't cover those moments in Writing in the City.
I definitely told Erin about how i had to pee. She just blocked that part out.
I think it was the noise of the train. Also, MC Kiolbasa makes you sound like a DJ.
Aware. It reminds me of a the DC Talk version of the song "Lean on Me," when they were sort of trying to be a rap band (as featured on the first cd I ever purchased in my life, "Free at Last" which I purchased in 1995 - no longer do I own this). Here is a sample of their FREESTYLING RAP, which I think does not to justice to just how bad they were at rapping:
"True MC, no slack on the track, here to tell the people that love's what we lack. In this family we gotta love like Christ, so precise in your life so take this advice. Brother to brother we need to learn to love each other, so lean on me when you're in trouble. I cast my cares on Christ 'cause He cares for me, so when you need a shoulder to cry on, just lean." The way they said "Just LEAN" was like, you know, the mantra of my life for like 3 years until I discovered SKA in 1998 or so, and EMO circa 2000.
MC is a call back to DC Talk's bad rapping skills, obviously. Or my initials.
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